
Friday, March 26, 2021

Maths W8T1

Goal: L3- use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers.

This week for maths we have been learning to solve equations with five different strategies. my favourite strategy was probably the compensating division strategy.

here is my work for this week:

what are some strategies that you know?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Re W8T1

This week for re we have made a presentation to explain what holy week is to the younger students
here is the link 

what do you know about holy week?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Maths W7T1

Goal: Use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers

This week for maths we have been learning to use a strategy to solve lots of different problems. This equation was confusing at first but when I saw an example I knew what to do. I put all my effort into this week and I am proud of it. Here is my work for this week.

Can you solve these equations with the strategy I have shown?

Friday, March 5, 2021

My Maori conversation no.2

This week for T-reo we made another conversation between two people. we had to use as many of the kupu o te wiki (words of the week) as we could. what are some words you know?

Maths W5T1

This week for maths we have being learning how to use strategies to solve equations. I have write four equations that I used the strategies for. I hoped you like my drawing if you have any feedback please comment it. also Can you solve these questions?

GOALuse a broad range of mental strategies to solve problems rounding and compensating.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Post and comment on a blog

 Goal: present work in a range of forms, write content relevant to the task. & use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose.  

Kia ora my name is Leo,

This week for literacy we have been writing on what you need for a quality blog comment and post. In a blog you will need ,a catchy title, an introduction, your learning goal, 2 to 3 sentences explaining what you did and then you need a question to start a conversation with the viewers. 

For a good blog comment you need to think about three things, positive, thoughtful, helpful. These three things will help you to make the perfect blog comment and if they have asked a question answer it. You could write something like: next time you could add..... or something like I liked the way you.....

What's your favourite thing about blogging?